From the link above:
"Denise Michaud Says:
January 14, 2010 at 8:11 pm
It may have been just a building, but it represents more than that – not to mention the loss of life in its destruction.
james mary evans Says:
January 14, 2010 at 10:46 pm
Michael (Spain) — Thanks for posting.
Even pagans live, move, and find being in God, as St. Paul attests within Holy Scripture. And it is impossible to separate the Son, the Word made flesh, from the Father and the Holy Spirit. They are One in being…
A deeper contemplation of the Incarnation through means of the Holy Spirit will open your eyes (of the soul) to truth concerning the Word made flesh. I myself have received this grace of the Word in the flesh (God in me) before becoming a Catholic, but, the grace is ordered toward the “fullness of truth”, which, confirms the reality of the Godhead found within the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ within the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. And since its institution–by the Lord Himself–has ever remained a primary focus of the apostolic teaching church to the coastlands–those who have, and still, await His teaching.
St. Paul also confirms within scripture the real presence of Jesus Christ within the Most Holy Eucharist, which, (in various forms of celebration) has for 2000 years been the constant practice of Christian worship by the one church Jesus founded; and has so, since its foundation. It is not a tradition of men, but, the will of God to fulfill His presence with us and with mankind: Emmanuel–God with us. A pure oblation from the rising to the setting of the sun made throughout the world each day, that will continue until His return in glory to judge the living and the dead.
So, in effect, Jesus The Christ–Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity was present within the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Port-au-Prince when the physical evil occured, destroying the Cathedral and those within–as the Holy Eucharist (the Godhead) (in fullness) is found present in tabernacles placed within every Catholic Church on earth. Truly, Jesus is the man of all sorrows.
On the other hand, as a historical result of (spiritual) evil, those gates of hell that perpetually battles and acts to destroy this communion of God with man established by Christ within the Catholic Church, you yourself are a historical victim (through no fault of your own) by way of the Protestant Reformation.
The fullness of Christianity still awaits you through conversion…
I suggest deep spiritual prayer with scripture, as well as, a study of the Church Fathers, who are always timely witnesses…
Praying for your humble submission to the Divine Will on earth as it is in heaven, and with continued prayer for you and yours… (I offered Mass for the conversion of souls this morning.)"
Something Old and Something New: Soup and Salad for the New Year
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12 years ago
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